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Private Puppy Tutoring

Train your pup like the individual they are!

  • 8 hours
  • $525 + tax
  • Online

Service Description

A four week-long program with a customized curriculum tailored to meet each student's individual needs. Virtual training allows you to work towards your training goals no matter your location. The private tutoring program allows The K9 Detective to provide daily check-ins! Have frequent communication & support from your trainer. How does it work? - After registration, you will be emailed an intake form. - Submit this, and then then have a follow-up call with your trainer. - Your trainer will design a curriculum specifically for your pup. - Lessons & homework delivered to you three times per week. - Private messaging channel so you can connect daily. - After four weeks, you get a summary of your pup's progress. - And recommendations of next steps for you and your pup!

Request Service

Please request your desired package below.

Once received, a virtual training intake form or a puppy matchmaking questionnaire will be sent to your inbox.

Thanks for submitting!

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